Saturday, 24 September 2016

rapper kid cudi unstable has mental breakdown

Rapper Kid Cudi Had A MENTAL BREAKDOWN . . . He’s UNSTABLE . . . His BABYS Mama Just Got An ORDER OF PROTECTION!!

: Remember last week when rapper/actor Kid Cudi was calling out Kanye West and Drake – well it turns out that Cudi is in a VERY bad space. According to multiple sources Cudi is in the midst of a MENTAL BREAKDOWN – caused by mental health issues and drugs. It’s gotten so bad that his baby’s mother got a restraining order against him. Here is what is being reported:
Cudi allegedly texted her in excess of 168 messages – between August 11th and 14th – in which he threatened to call child services on her and that he was going to “send the guy to stand by my house” and that she was “so gross and sick n the head” and “ain’t sh*t” and he was going to serve her with legal papers because he was seeking sole custody of their daughter.
Jacqueline says the rapper demanded parenting time with their daughter during time that she already informed him she would be spending with their child. She claims despite him being in Chicago for Lollapalooza, he never contacted her to see their child.
She says that he also threatened to go to the news and contact outlets and even threatened that he would create a Twitter hashtag “Justice for Vada” (his daughter’s name) and would blast it on social media for months and even make t-shirts. She explains his previous negative tweets about her have caused his millions of fans to suggest violence against her.
She accuses him of threatening her for no reason and says he berates and mocks her. He sent messages calling her a “fat f*ck”, “*sshole” and told her.
Cudi also demanded that his daughter not have any photos taken unless she was onstage at his concert. Further, when she went to her father’s funeral in Ohio, he sent a series of messages about Vada having played Pokeman with her older cousin to which he said “Vada hanging around a bunch of white people is not what I want either” and “Vada don’t look like anyone in your family.”
She told him the messages were insensitive and hurtful, to which he called her too sensitive. Jacqueline accuses the rapper of not even exercising his parenting time and when he does, he doesn’t follow the court order.
The judge came back with his decision and granted Jacqueline an order or protection against Cudi which will stay in effect until August 18th 2017.

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